Sermon Audio Downloads

Recent Sermons



Rev Richard J Trudeau

Hello to our friends and Family,


"Memorial Day"

Rev Robb N Ross

Hello to our friends and Family,

This Sunday, May 30th, our theme for the service will be Memorial Day. Rev Robert RN Ross will rejoin us with a lot of personal anecdotes, not a lecture.


"Hope Springs"

Rev Barbara Dingwall Mills

On Sunday, May23rd, Rev. Barbara Dingwall Mills, minister of the UU Church of Weymouth, will deliver a sermon entitled “Hope Springs” at the Fall River UU Church via Zoom. Spring is the time that we all wish for rebirth and renewal, but sometimes those are difficult and elusive concepts for us to grasp if we have suffered tremendous suffering and loss. While we’ve all heard the saying that “hope springs eternal”, if you have experienced events that are so searing to your mind, body, and soul that you find this thought too hard to conceive, maybe just hoping will have to be sufficient.


“Mother’s for Reconciliation”

Rev Paul Sprecher

Rev Paul Sprecher will join us with a sermon titled “Mother’s for Reconciliation” - The women who first advocated for Mother’s Day were addressing themselves TO mothers, not asking others to praise them.    Remembering the work of Julia Ward Howe and Anna Reese Jarvis and her daughter Anna M. Jarvis reminds us that Mother’s Day was once something more than a celebration of highly commercialized sentimentality.



Rev Richard J Trudeau

Hello to our Family of friends, 


This Sunday, May 2nd, our own Rev Richard Trudeau will present a sermon titled "Cathedral".

In an illustrated sermon Richard reflects on why he is so fascinated by the medieval cathedral in Lincoln, England.




Lisa Kirk

Hello  to our Family of friends,

Lisa Kirk rejoins us on Sunday, April 18 th with a service titled “RBG”.

 We all know these initials and what the esteemed justice was known for. Come and explore some of what we may not know about her.


“The Inner Light and the Society of Friends”.

Rev Ann Fox

Hello to all of our family and friends,

This week Our guest leader will present a sermon titled “The Inner Light and the Society of Friends”.

The concept of a divinely-inspired “Larger Self” first came to us from ancient Hinduism and most recently from many New Age teachings. However, we need look no further than the Society of Friends (Quakers) for a similar but unique teaching of the “Inner Light.” Perhaps this 17th century teaching has something useful and modern to consider for our Unitarian Universalist path.


“Is there Life After Death?”

Rev Vera O'Brien

Hello to all of our family and friends,


“Is there Life After Death?” In congregations across the world this Easter, this question has been answered already.  As Unitarian Universalists, our search for truth and meaning is encouraged and we find our own answers. We will consider different perspectives and answers to this question in our time together. Our guest, Rev Vera O’Brien, will help us to explore our faith.


Brief Biography



"Purpose Not Perfection"

Rev Danielle Di Bona

Hello to our friends and family,

Joining us on Sunday, March 28th, is the Rev Danielle Di Bona. Her sermon is titled “Purpose Not Perfection”. The poet Amanda Gorman writes: "we are not striving to form a union that is perfect. We are striving to forge a union with purpose.”  Unitarian Universalists often get stuck in the perfection cycle which often prevents both a faith filled communal spirit and relationship. Let's focus on building relationships for the good of our communities.